Summa Health


Patient insights grew preference by 5%

The Challenge

Summa was facing growing incursion by major competitors 30 minutes away. While outmigration hadn’t increased, Summa knew a positive patient experience was crucial to retaining and growing business.

The Strategy

Brand message development

We developed brand messaging built on patient empowerment, giving consumers a feeling of control at their most vulnerable and turning their fear and confusion into confidence and clarity. It presented Summa as a respectful partner who supports them emotionally and clinically.

NeuroMarketing testing

Using personal interviews, online surveys and biometric measurement (eye tracking, pupillometry and blood volume pulse), we tested creative concepts to see which resonated emotionally and believably with consumers. Testing revealed a preferred campaign concept and invaluable insights into visuals and copy. The concept also outperformed all campaigns from larger competitors.

Creative development

Knox created three strong characters in control of their lives and their health: a glassblower, a cross-country skier and a weekend car buff. Copy assured consumers that Summa understands what they want from a true healthcare partner, with a tagline that married the clinical and personal sides of Summa’s care: “We specialize in you.”

The Results

The campaign produced a 5% increase in brand preference.


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